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Mar 2023

AI modelling of NeuroTracker baselines and demographic data effectively predicts learning rate and training intervention outcomes.

Artificial Intelligence models to enhance cognitive intervention in older adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline: pilot study

To investigate if a NeuroTracker intervention could improve cognitive abilities in older adults with subjective cognitive decline, and determine if AI models could be used to increase training efficacy.

48 participants between 60 and 90 years of age with subjective cognitive complaints, but otherwise healthy, were assigned to NeuroTracker training group (26) or a control group (22). All participants provided detailed socio-demographic information via questionnaires and baseline neuropsychological assessments (California Verbal Learning Test, Digit Span, D-KEFS Trail Making Test, D-KEFS Verbal Fluency Test, and Stroop Test). The NeuroTracker group performed 7 weeks of training, the control group only performed NeuroTracker baseline assessments. Both groups performed follow-up neuropsychological assessments at 8 weeks and 11 weeks. Machine Learning models were used to analyze demographic and assessment data to test if cognitive performance and responsiveness to training could be predicted.

The NeuroTracker group experience a large improvement in scores of around 70%, along with wide and robust performance transfer on the neuropsychological assessments at week 8, with further gains (without training) at week 11. AI models yielded highly accurate predictions of responsiveness to the training intervention. The researchers propose that such models can be used to effectively tailor NeuroTracker programs to the needs of individuals.

Jan 2023

A NeuroTracker training intervention combined with adapted performance programs improves the competition results of mountain runners.

Implementing Modern Technology for Vital Sign Monitoring to Enhance Athletic Training and Sports Performance

To investigate if comprehensive physical and cognitiveassessments can help improve the competitive performance of elite mountainsrunners.

7 male international-standard mountain runners undertook a battery of physiological and biological tests (blood and urine biochemistry, VO2Max, EKG), along with a NeuroTracker baseline assessment, both at the beginning and end of a competitive season. Systematized medical analyses of the initial data was used to tailor each athlete's ongoing performance programs. In addition, the athletes undertook a NeuroTracker training intervention of 42 sessions across the competitive season. The same post-season battery of assessments along with competition results were analyzed to the determine effects of the adapted training programs.

All athletes' race results improved over previous years' performances. Moderate post-season improvements were seen across the physiological and biological tests from the adapted performance programs. NeuroTracker post-season baselines also improved dramatically, with scores increasing by +75% over pre-season baselines. The researchers concluded the NeuroTracker intervention demonstrated that perceptual–cognitive skills were perfectly trainable and could improve sports performance.

Jan 2023

NeuroTracker 3D-MOT training is more effective at inducing HRV associated flow states in young soccer players, than 2D-MOT.

Two-dimensional and three-dimensional multiple object tracking learning performance in adolescent female soccer players: The role of flow experience reflected by heart rate variability
Physiology & Behavior

To compare the learning efficiency 3D-MOT (NeuroTracker) with 2D-MOT, and investigate whether any advantages can be reflected by heart rate variability (HRV).

26 female U15 soccer players completed the 2D- and 3D-MOT tasks with the order reversed for half of the participants. HRV measures were recorded live during the training.

The female soccer players displayed higher learning efficiency in the 3D-MOT task than in the 2D-MOT. HRV analysis revealed that the training had some stimulation associated with inducing flow states in 2D, but that this effect was significantly greater with 3D-MOT. The researchers concluded that this study highlights the role of flow experience in the utility and applicability of 3D-MOT in soccer sport.

Jan 2023

Statistical analysis of NeuroTracker learning reveals cognitive characteristics between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, specific learning disorder, and Intellectual developmental disorder

Distinctive patterns of Multiple Object-Tracking performance trajectories in youth with deficits in attention, learning, and intelligence
Science direct

To investigate if NeuroTracker learning rates can characterize different neurodevelopmental conditions in children.

The researchers focused on three different neurodevelopmental conditions: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Specific learning disorder (SLD), and Intellectual developmental disorder (IDD). 101 participants aged 6 to 17 years old completed a total of 30 NeuroTracker sessions over a period of 5 weeks, along with standardized neuropsychological assessments to confirm each neurodevelopmental diagnosis.

Progression in NeuroTracker scores throughout the training program were scientifically analyzed using a latent growth curve modeling technique. This analysis revealed 1) a decreased baseline performance for children with IDD along with slower initial learning rates, 2) children with ADHD and SLD demonstrate a reduced rate of longer-term learning, 3) a significant overlap exists between individuals diagnosed with ADHD and SLD.

Dec 2022

A single NeuroTracker baseline strongly correlates with some metrics of competitive soccer performance in NCCA athletes.

Visual tracking speed threshold in NCAA Division I women’s soccer predicting match performance
Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance

To investigate the relationship between visual tracking speed (NeuroTracker) and soccer-specific performance measures.

19 NCAA Division I soccer players completed 1 NeuroTracker core session baseline and soccer performance metrics were obtained from WyScout.

Statistical analyses showed a nonsignificant correlation between NeuroTracker score and passing accuracy, and a strong correlation found between consistency score (a sub-component measure of NeuroTracker) and passing accuracy. Specifically for attacking players there was a stronger correlation with consistency and passing accuracy. For defenders, consistency and defensive win rate had a strong correlation.

Oct 2022

NeuroTracker peer-reviewed research shows promising relevance for broad cognitive enhancement across different populations.

The foundations of 3D-MOT as a cognitive enhancement tool
Neuropsychology Review

To assess the usefulness of NeuroTracker (3D-MOT) as a cognitive enhancement tool to overcome the common challenges associated with cognitive training products.

The author conducted a comprehensive review of current literature for cognitive enhancement tools, as well as the specific literature on NeuroTracker to probe its strengths and weaknesses as a research tool. Evidence was also examined for the cognitive domains that NeuroTracker addresses.

NeuroTracker was found to have broad scientific relevant for improving a number of cognitive domains, including information processing, attention, working memory, inhibition, and executive functions. Far transfer effects were found in the following human performance domains: visual information processing in healthy adults, biological motion processing in healthy aging subjects, on-field performance in soccer players, and in attention for populations with neurodevelopmental deficits. The author concluded, that while promising peer-reviewed research exists, more investigations are needed to robustly establish the beneficial effects of this method in the context of cognitive enhancement.

Sep 2022

60 minutes of NeuroTracker training transfers to significant improvements in passing accuracy in NCAA Division 1 soccer players.

The Effects Of 3-Dimensional Motion Object Tracking (3D-MOT) Training On In-game College Soccer Performance

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the effects of 4-weeks of NeuroTracker training on in-game soccer performance measures.

13 NCAA Division I soccer players were split into trained and control groups. Both groups completed a NeuroTracker baseline. The trained group then completed 10 NeuroTracker training sessions (60 minutes) over a 4-week period. Soccer performance metrics were obtained from WyScout where 2 game averages were examined to compare pre-post-NT performance.

Data analysis revealed a moderate improvement of the trained group over the control group in passing accuracy, a 8.5% increase post-training, versus a 3.5% increase. Small non-significant improvements were also observed for successful actions and short+medium passes for the NeuroTracker trained group.

Aug 2022

NeuroTracker baselines reveal a distinct perceptual-cognitive advantage for college-age athletes over non-athletes.

Perceptual cognitive abilities in young athletes: A gender comparison

To evaluate perceptual cognitive abilities among male and female adolescents and determine if undiscovered gender differences in athletes’ perceptual cognitive abilities exist.

40 nonathletes (20 boys and 20 girls) and 40 athletes (21 boys and 19 girls) aged 17-24 years old completed a short questionnaire about their sports practice. All participants then completed three NeuroTracker sessions.

The findings confirm the superior perceptual cognitive abilities in young athletes relative to nonathletes. However, results also indicate differences in performance patterns between male and female athletes, with male athletes achieving the highest tracking speeds but female athletes showing faster adaptation to the task by the 3rd session. These results demonstrate that sports engagement and perceptual cognitive abilities are strongly related during adolescence and that this relationship seems more prevalent in athletes for this age group.

Aug 2022

NeuroTracker baselines have superior test–retest reliability over ImPACT across two sports seasons with collegiate athletes.

Test-retest reliability of the neurotracker compared to the impact test for the management of mild traumatic brain injuries during two consecutive university sport seasons
Brain Injury

To determine timeframes required for baseline updates for NeuroTracker and ImPACT, based on long-term retest reliability.

At the start of two consecutive seasons, 30 athletes with no recent history of mTBI completed baseline assessments of NeuroTracker and ImPACT. The test–retest reliability of the results was assessed via three different statistical analyses.

The Visual Motor Speed composite score of the ImPACT was the only component of the assessment with outcomes with acceptable retest reliability. NeuroTracker baselines also met these standards. The researchers concluded that NeuroTracker has an acceptable level of test–retest reliability after one year in comparison to ImPACT.

Aug 2022

NeuroTracker training transfers to significantly improved useful field of view, an ability strongly associated with driving skills.

Three-dimensional multiple object tracking improves young adult cognitive abilities associated with driving: evidence for transfer to the useful field of view

To examine if NeuroTracker training transfers to useful field of view (UFOV) performance, a measure strongly associated with driving performance.

Twenty healthy young adults between the ages of 23 and 33 years were recruited and evenly assigned to either a NeuroTracker training program or active control group using a math game (2048). Both groups completed 5 hours of training distributed over 5 weeks. Both groups completed pre-post standardized assessments of UFOV.

The NeuroTracker training group exhibited significantly improved UFOV performance, whereas the active control group showed only a small, statistically nonsignificant improvement in the task. The researchers suggest that NeuroTracker and UFOV performance are likely dependent on overlapping cognitive abilities, and that these abilities can be trained and measured in young adults which could lead to improving driving safety.

Jun 2022

High intensity exercise can be effectively combined with NeuroTracker as dual-task training for younger and older adults.

Effect of Intermittent Exercise on Performance in 3D Multiple Objects Tracking in Children, Young and Older Adults—A Pilot Study
IMR Press

To examine the effects of a high intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) protocol on performance with a perceptual-cognitive task (NeuroTracker), and whether effects differ between children, young adults, and older adults.

12 children, 12 young adults and 12 older adults completed a HIIE program consisting of eleven 30-second intervals at 90% VO2 max, interspersed with 2-minute active recovery periods at 50% VO2max. Before and during this exercise protocol, three sessions of NeuroTracker task were performed at 5, 15, and 25 minute intervals.

Young adults had significantly higher absolute NeuroTracker scores than children and older adults. Apart children, NeuroTracker scores improved each session, despite the exercise demands (greatest for young adults). The findings suggest that intensive exercise protocols are suitable to be combined with NeuroTracker cognitive training with younger and older adults, but not with children.

Jun 2022

NeuroTracker learning rates and neuropsychological assessments reveal that professional action video gamers possess superior attentional capacities.

Cognitive characterization of expertise in action video games

To assess the extent to which action video game players perform better than non-gamers on cognitive functions measured by NeuroTracker and neuropsychological assessments.

14 professional and 16 amateur action video game players completed a battery of 7 standardized neuropsychological assessments, a manual dexterity test, and 14 NeuroTracker sessions. Statistical analysis techniques were used to compare cognitive differences.

Analysis revealed that high performance in professional action video games players is associated with enhanced abilities in visual spatial attention, visual and auditory short-term memory, and selective and sustained attention. No significant differences between professionals and amateurs were evident on tasks evaluating executive functions, perceptual manipulation, or manual dexterity. Although both groups displayed a similar learning capacity to improve at NeuroTracker over 90-mins of training, professionals exhibited a distinct performance advantage throughout the intervention. The results overall suggest that elite action video gamers have superior attentional control.

May 2022

NeuroTracker baselines are a strong predictor of multiple performance measures of simulated air traffic control abilities.

NeuroTracker Multiple Object Tracking Ability Predicts Novice Performance on a Simulated Air Traffic Control Task
The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology

To investigate of NeuroTracker baselines can be a predictor of air traffic control task performance.

46 participants completed 2 hours of assessments including a NeuroTracker baseline, the Corsi Block Tapping and Automated Operation Span tests, followed by a simulated air traffic control task.

After controlling for age and video game playing, NeuroTracker baselines significantly predicted correct detections of conflicts between aircraft, fewer false alarm responses to conflicts, and faster aircraft acceptance and hand-off performance. NeuroTracker was a stronger predictor of these outcomes, than the Corsi Block Tapping and Automated Operation Span tests. The researchers concluded that the findings demonstrate that NeuroTracker and could be useful for applicant screening and selection of air traffic control personnel.

ATC-Lab air traffic control task
Mar 2022

Pitching velocity of youth baseball players at different ages correlates with NeuroTracker scores and other performance metrics.

Anthropometrics, Athletic Abilities and Perceptual-Cognitive Skills Associated With Baseball Pitching Velocity in Young Athletes Aged Between 10 and 22 Years Old
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living

To identify across ages, in younger males and females, and to compare, in younger males, the anthropometrics, athletic abilities and perceptual-cognitive skills associated with baseball pitcher's ball velocity.

Male and female athletes completed a sociodemographic questionnaire followed by anthropometric, athletic ability, perceptual-cognitive skill and pitching velocity assessments. Athletes were categorized by their age categories (11U, 13U, 15U, 18U, 21U). To evaluate the athletes' anthropometrics, height and weight, BMI, waist circumference, arms segmental length and girth were measured. Athletic abilities were assessed using athletes' grip strength, upper body power, vertical jump height, sprint, change of direction, and dynamic balance. Perceptual-cognitive skills performance was assessed with NeuroTracker, and pitching performance assessment was completed using the athletes' average fastball velocity.

In male athletes across each age category all anthropometric, athletic ability and perceptual-cognitive skill factors were associated with pitching velocity with associations, with effects being stronger the older the age category. NeuroTracker baselines has some of the strongest associations to pitching velocity and athletic abilities across age categories.

Feb 2022

NeuroTracker baselines reveal the longer-term and short term negative impacts of night shift duties on hospital physicians.

Use of a Computational Tool for the Assessment of Attention of Medical Residents After a day on Duty
Springer Link

To evaluate the effects of night shift work on cognitive performance in medical resident physicians.

44 night shift physicians at Hospital General de Mexico were recruited. 12 students with day shift medical careers were also recruited as a control group.
Questionnaires recorded incidents or accidents suffered during or after a day on duty. Each night shift physician completed a 3-session NeuroTracker baseline (20-mins), both 24 hours before a night shift of duty, and at the end of the duty. The control group completed the same baselines before and after a normal day shift of duty. This was repeated again for both groups.

75% of the physicians reported incidents or accidents during their hospital activities, most commonly related to sleepiness during shift work. NeuroTracker pre-night shift baselines were significantly below that of the control group, suggesting some negative longer-term cognitive effects of night shift duties. Post-shift baselines were further significantly reduced (a 25% decrease), revealing short term negative effects of night shift duties. Improvements in cognitive performance from a total of 12 NeuroTracker sessions were found, indicating these effects may be partially mitigated with further NeuroTracker training. The researchers suggested the finding support the value of using such cognitive assessments for the evaluation of medical staff and quality of patient care.

Variations in NeuroTracker performance relative to medical residents status
Oct 2021

NeuroTracker and neuropsychological assessments reveal cognitive functions relate to sprinting and jumping abilities in elite soccer players.

Relationship of executive functions and physical abilities in elite soccer players
German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research

To investigate the relationship of executive functions and physical abilities in youth and adult elite soccer players.

172 elite soccer players (12–34 years of age) were assessed on NeuroTracker, working memory capacity, cognitive flexibility, and inhibition. Another series of tests measured endurance-performance, repeated intense exercises, and maximal anaerobic performance.

NeuroTracker results correlated meaningfully with 30M sprint ability and counter-movement jumps. Moderate correlations were found between working memory capacity and cognitive flexibility with sprint performance and jumping ability, and inhibition with repeated intense exercises. Overall the findings indicated that anaerobic sprinting and jumping are more closely linked to cognitive skills than other physical abilities.

Aug 2021

NeuroTracker is a viable tool for training cognitive functions in MS patients, with potential transfer to improve real-life functioning.

Effectiveness of Three-Dimensional Multiple-Object Tracking in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Trial
International Journal of MS Care

To assess the usability of NeuroTracker in patients with MS and their responsiveness to cognitive training effects. Standardized neuropyschological assessments and a driving readiness test (Useful Field of View).

16 patients with MS and 9 age-matched controls completed four 30-minute NeuroTracker training sessions.

MS patients scored lower than controls, however their scores improved at the same rate, suggesting a healthy response to training. Pre-post Neuropsychological assessments showed non-significant changes from training effects, with small to medium effect sizes. For the MS group, the driving readiness test showed a significant increase post-training. The researchers concluded that NeuroTracker can be used to train cognitive skills in patients with MS and may improve may improve real-life functioning such as driving safety.

Jul 2021

NeuroTracker training is highly accessible and understandable for children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Assessing the feasibility of a classroom-based visual attention training program targeting academics for students with extremely low IQ

This feasibility study investigated the viability of implementing an in-classroom NeuroTracker adaptive training program for adolescents with extremely low IQ.

Twenty-six adolescents aged between 11 and 16 years with IQs with the extremely low Weschler-based IQ scores completed 45 training sessions on either the NeuroTracker. Recruitment and retention rates and adherence to the program were assessed. 42% of participants presented a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 15% had a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and 11% had Down syndrome.

100% of all participants meeting the inclusion criteria completed all stages of the study from baseline to post-intervention assessments. The researchers concluded the results suggest that implementing NeuroTracker as a classroom-based intervention is feasible with this population.

Av. progression of participants through the NeuroTracker adaptive training program.